Monday, 23 March 2015


With Spring finally upon us it would have been rude not to of ventured out on the brightest day of the year so far. With my brother up to visit it was time to get out into nature for a brunch in the woods with the dogs.
We first discovered this quiet bit of woodland on Boxing day, 2013 whilst out for a Hobo breakfast  in the woods.

It has since become a favourite place of mine to disappear to and Wild Camped here last Easter with my brother.

Back to today, we left the house with some eggs, bacon, sausages and baps ready to be cooked on the Hobo stove. A short drive later, boots on and we're off, down about 3/4 mile of a muddy track and into a large meadow.

This is ideal for the dogs to run and let steam off, plenty of space, plenty of smells and no sheep. Next we enter the woods, this bit looks like it has come from Tolkien imagination, more so in summer when the foliage blocks out the sun.

Fifteen minutes or so, following the river upstream we come to a stony beach as the river bends to the left. High banks on the other side seem to defy gravity with the trees above just seeming to be waiting to crash down into the water. Would love to witness that !!

Time to sit back and enjoy the spot

and let the dogs explore.

Then light the Hobo and cook us up some baps before exploring the woods a little more

and retracing our steps back to the car.

We were out for a good few hours on this walk, nothing to strenuous as tomorrow is the big one. One to tick off the Bucket list.....Crib Goch. The dogs loved the freedom and slept the rest of the day and most of the next. A tired dog is a happy dog !!!! 


I asked the boy beneath the pines,
He said, ''The master's gone alone
Herb-picking somewhere on the mount,
Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown.''

Chia Tao (777-841)
Trans. Lin Yutang